Children's Ministry
Our children are the church of today, and are just as able (perhaps more able) to minister to others as adults are. In River Kids (Children’s Ministry @ River of Life Centre) we will provide teaching and opportunities for the children to know the Trinity – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – and to experience them in their own lives.

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Current Focus
Main Purpose
In terms 2 and 3 of 2014 we are focussing on the book of Acts. In term 2 we will be learning about the arrival of the Holy Spirit, the birth of the church and the missionary journeys of the disciples. In term 3 the spotlight will be on Paul and his missionary journeys as he took the gospel further away from Jerusalem.
The main purpose of this focus is for us to recognise that Jesus' call to go into all the world was not just for those disciples, as it is still His command to us today. Furthermore His promise to pour out the Holy Spirit in all flesh is also still current and that we have Him available to us today, as we seek to live and move in His power.
The purpose of children’s ministry is to give the kids the space and opportunity to experience God and His awesome love and power, to learn how to worship Him in spirit and in truth and to practise doing so. It is also to provide opportunities for them to get to know Him through the bible, soaking worship, prayer, enjoying one another and seeing His power at work today. For children to grow in their faith, they need their own space where worship, teaching and activities are appropriate to their age and stage of development. Family is vitally important, and so some time together in the main church service is provided for. However, sitting together for long periods, especially if doing so is stressful or boring or a negative experience is counter-productive. Meeting the needs of individuals, while creating an environment of love where together we can truly experience Jesus and all he has to offer us is family, and that is our goal.
We aim to develop a group of kids who know Father God’s love, have a vibrant and real relationship with Jesus, share Him with their friends; because He’s such a vital part of their lives that they can’t help it, and whose first response to sickness or injury is to pray and expect God to heal. These kids would demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit and move in the gifts – miracles, healings, words of knowledge, prophecy and tongues… as they are encouraged to ‘have a go’.
Prayer is the key to releasing these children into all they can be. Prayer by them and for them. Regular prayer by the leaders and concerted prayer by the body in support of them will open the floodgates of heaven over our children.
On-going, open communication with parents is also important, so they know what’s going on and can pray and support the team and their children effectively.
Our children’s ministry will be ‘successful’ when the whole church is committed to seeing it grow and our children develop in their relationships with Father God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.