774 High Street, Lower Hutt 5011,
New Zealand

(04) 577-3211



In Psalm 2 we read, "Ask Me and I will give you the nations as Your inheritance", and in Jesus' Great Commission as set out in Matthew 28:18-20, we are sent out to take the Good News to all people of every nation...


At ROLC our heart is to reach and restore families, locally and internationally, that all might come in to the wholeness that is in Jesus Christ.  Jesus said, "I have come that YOU might have life, and life to the full."


Locally, we are privileged to partner with the Burmese refugee communities.  We are blessed by the love and aroha that is being shared together.


There's never a dull moment!  The very nature of these activities means we will always be launching out into something new, re-shaping something that is in flight or laying to rest other activities that have run their course.


Beyond our shores we have a number who have partnered with local churches and missionaries in India and the Philippines.  We recognise that there is a special DNA and zeal quotient that sets these people on their way.  It has to do with the call of God and one's obedience to that call.  We watch this space with interest as God is leading us to the nations.  In the meantime, in our local community, the nations have come to us.

Reaching and Restoring Families in our Community...
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