Reaching and Restoring Families in our Community...

774 High Street, Lower Hutt 5011,
New Zealand
(04) 577-3211

Prayer Ministry​

Not everyone is called to be a Prayer Minister.  Prayer ministry is a unique calling.  We learn to recognise and track from the 'bad fruit' through to the 'bad root'.  The roots hide in the darkened areas of our heart.  It is the Word and the Spirit that brings these things to the light that they may be brought to death on the Cross and that we would be healed and made whole. 


Essentially, the prayer minister sits with another to listen to the person before them - listening to their heart (and mind), to the Holy Spirit, and to themselves simultaneously.  Sounds daunting?  Well, perhaps it is in some ways.  And yet, it's an area we are finding the Holy Spirit is calling more people into.  We love to see people loved into life! 



Prayer Ministers at River of Life Centre are graduates of the four Elijah House Schools.  As increasing numbers of graduates from across the denominations complete the A, B, C and D schools we are hopeful that more and more graduates will grow in confidence to offer prayer ministry from their local churches under the covering of their leadership.



If you are seeking prayer ministry from RLC we encourage you to contact us.  No fees are charged although donations can be made. 


If you would like more information on Elijah House Ministries please click on the link to the website.

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